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Brief history

The Cardiology Chair, initially the Cardiology course, was founded in 1978. In 1983, it was granted the chair status within the Faculty of Refresher Training of Physicians. In 1986, it was renamed the Therapy Chair no. 2, subsequently - Internal Medicine Chair no. 2, as the Faculty courses of physiotherapy, radiology and phthisiopneumonology had been included in the former Cardiology Chair.

From its establishment until 1998, the chair was led by the university professor Alexandru Izvoreanu. Since 1998, the position of chief of chair is fulfilled by the university professor Valeriu Revenco.

After the establishment of the Faculty of Residency and Clinical Secondary Education (FRCSE) in 2000, the chair became part of this Faculty, and in 2002 it was renamed the Cardiology chair of the FRCSE.

Another important event is the establishment, in 2010, of the Internal Medicine Department, Medical Clinic no. 3 (Cardiology) being included in its composition. The clinic’s tasks involve postgraduate training (continuing medical education, residency, clinical secondary education) and university training of students in the Cardiology specialty.

Currently, the clinical bases of the Chair are the following:

- Clinic of the Cardiology Institute - Unit no. V;

- Timofei Moşneaga Republican Clinical Hospital  - Functional Diagnosis Unit;

- Sfanta Treime Municipal Clinical Hospital – Units of: acute myocardial infarction, cardiological recovery, cardiology, functional diagnosis, resuscitation.

Collaborators of the applied scientific research project also work at the Chair: "Development of a concept of metabolic syndrome primary and secondary prophylaxis based on the evaluation of etiopathogenetic mechanisms, clinical picture and action of sympatholytic remedies."